Um muito Feliz Natal para todos os leitores do meu blog.
Sejam credores ou não no espirito natalicio tentem pelo menos nesta altura, senão conseguirem no resto do ano, serem pessoas melhores, amar o próximo e serem acima de tudo simpáticos para toda a gente!
Beijinhos e Abraços e votos de Boas Festas!!
segunda-feira, dezembro 26, 2005
quarta-feira, dezembro 14, 2005
Silly Seasons

Um momento de um dos concertos de Silly Seasons, banda inventada no Verão para fazer uns trocos. A minha primeira experiencia como vocalista, e posso apenas dizer : Granda Vibraçao!!
Mas o melhor de tudo foi o dueto com este homem da foto, o Carlinhos, um verdadeiro animal de palco, tanto que, passados poucos segundos do Carlinhos começar a cantar, reparei que estava com o queixo quase no chao de surpresa e espanto!!
Saudades desse mes e muita vontade para continuar a fazer o que gosto, cantar!!domingo, dezembro 11, 2005
How Do You Call It??

(Love love love love love love)
How do you call it when autumn leaves keep falling?
Tell me how do you mean it?
You think I was dreaming not feeling.
I was feeling for you as I was falling for you.
(Say) I need your love so bad
you make me feel so close to God.
You deal with the truth of the heart (yeah)
and you have so much of that.
Tell me what do we have but love (yeah)
there's nothing much I could think of.
You run from love like you're in a rush.
But anything love builds your doubts will crush
How do you call it when autumn leaves keep falling?
Tell me how do you mean it?
You think I was dreaming not feeling.
I was feeling for you as I was falling for you.
Ohhh ohhh
(Say) girl you have those eyes
I'd do anything for you if they cried.
Even when you curse
I love to watch your lips building bad words.
When ever we be talking on the phone
I just love to hear your tone
even silence sounds good with you
(Say) girl you have so much soul.
How do you call it when autumn leaves keep falling?
Tell me how do you mean it?
You think I was dreaming not feeling.
I was feeling for you as I was falling for you.
How do you call it?
How do you mean it? (how do you mean it?)
I was feeling (I was feeling)
As I was falling (I was falling)
I was feeling for you,
as I was falling for you,
my soul was crying for you,
as I was dying for you
as l was falling for you
How do you call it when autumn leaves keep falling?
Tell me how do you mean it?
You think I was dreaming not feeling.
I was feeling for you as I was falling for you.
by Patrice
sexta-feira, dezembro 09, 2005
Political Music
Bem, após mais de um mês de ausencia, devido a basicamente preguicite, vi-me obrigado a relatar a todos os que leem o meu blog este excelente site onde basicamente, rx(nome do artista), gravou musicas com a voz de George W. Bush, de Arnold Schwarzenegger, e de outros.
Simplesmente genial!!!
Simplesmente genial!!!
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