terça-feira, fevereiro 06, 2007

Teria hoje 62 anos...

...e provavelmente ainda andaria por todo o mundo a espalhar boas vibrações...

Parabéns Bob Marley

Who the cap fit...

Man to man is so unjust, children:
Ya don't know who to trust.
Your worst enemy could be your best friend,
And your best friend your worse enemy...

...Some will hate you, pretend they love you now,
Then behind they try to eliminate you.
But who Jah bless, no one curse;
Thank God, we're past the worse.
Hypocrites and parasites
Will come up and take a bite.
And if your night should turn to day,
A lot of people would run away...

And who the cap fit, let them wear it!
Who the cap fit, let them wear it!

by Bob Marley

A quem enfiar a carapuça...

quinta-feira, fevereiro 01, 2007

Midnight Ravers

"Can't tell the woman from the man,
They are dressed in the same polution"

by Bob Marley

Mais um bom exemplo da intemporalidade das palavras de Bob Marley...